1. [Units 1-3] Collaborative Learning Discussion 1: Summary Post
  2. Based on your reading of the case study (Kovaitė and Stankevičienė, 2019) answer the following questions in the discussion forum:
    • What do the authors mean by the term ‘Industry 4.0’ - give two examples.
    • Give two real-world examples of risks that fit into the authors categories.
    • Find another journal article that either supports or contradicts the points made in the cited study.

    Click the buttons below to view my summary post to the Collaborative Learning Discussion 1: Weeks 1-3 and the forum discussions, including my initial post and peer responses.

    Summary post View CLD1 forum

  3. [Unit 5] E-Portfolio Activity: GDPR Case Studies
  4. Findings

  5. [Units 7-9] Collaborative Learning Discussion 2: Summary Post
  6. Read Spring et al (2021) and then answer the following questions:
    1. What characteristics of CVSS do the authors criticise? Do you agree with the critique? Justify your answer with academic references.
    2. The authors also discuss a number of alternatives to CVSS. Select one of these alternatives and post an argument for why it should replace CVSS.

    Click the buttons below to view my summary post to the Collaborative Learning Discussion 2: Weeks 1-3 and the forum discussions, including my initial post and peer responses.

    Summary post View CLD2 forum

  7. [All] Wiki Contributions
  8. Links to my contributions to the Module Wiki:

    Wiki entries View module wiki

  9. [All] Individual Module e-Portfolio
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